Inside the Newsroom @ Chelsea, Dexter

The official blog for The Chelsea Standard and Dexter Leader

Monday, March 22, 2010

An incredible feat

The staff at the Chelsea Standard and Dexter Leader has recently learned that Dexter resident Eric Kumbier is on a one-year teaching position in Seoul, Korea. Kumbier is a 2005 graduate of Dexter High School and graduated from the University of Michigan in 2009 with a degree in secondary education and social studies. He teaches kindergarten at a private school in Seoul. Follow his blog at:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Where is the target?

So there I was Friday night, sitting in my car idling at a red light and happily going over the lyrics in my head for my band's gig when all of a sudden the truck behind me decides to plow into my car. I don't use the term "plow" lightly. This guy, who had a yellow light mind you, decided his life was much more important than anyone else's, and decided to gun it to beat the red light. Well, when he did so, he ended up practically destroying my car. The bumper was torn off and the entire backside was smashed in. The trunk won't even close without a rope to tie it down. That was not the way I wanted to start my weekend.
Fortunately no one got hurt. And, despite my family trying to cheer me up, the accident crushed my spirit for the night's show. I did my best to get through the set, but instead of hanging out with friends afterward, I just went home and crawled into bed.
This is not the first time someone has decided that my nice blue car, affectionately known as "The Extreme," needed a few bumps, scratches and dents.
Since moving to Michigan in 2007, every single winter someone has slammed their car into mine. Last year I was unlucky enough to be driving by a K-mart parking lot when some new teen driver pulled out right in front of me and slammed into my front bumper, ripping it from its hinges.
Then, three months ago, a relative backed into my car while it was parked in her driveway. The damages? $1,000!
But, of course in this great state of Michigan, you all have something called "No fault." So in other words, take heed drivers, you can drive your car straight into someone else's if you feel compelled to and Michigan will tell you, "That's OK son, here in Michigan no one is at fault."
My insurance begs to differ with this "no fault" law.
Since moving here, I've had to pay more out of pocket for someone else wrecking my car than I ever had to while living in Texas.
"No fault" is the biggest scam I've ever heard. If you hit, touch, ding, scrape, bang or otherwise affect someone else's car in any form, it's your fault and you should have to pay.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Flying the unfriendly skies

This past week has been a little rough for myself. Two weeks ago, I received the horrible news that my grandma on my dad's side passed away in California. She was 82 years old. At this point, we aren't sure what happend. Needless to say, I had to book the quickest flight out of Michigan to catch the funeral, which took place Friday.
Flying has never been one of my favorite things to do. Other than being the quickest way to visit with relatives on the other side of the country or down south in Texas, I would choose a car or a train over an airplane any day. For starters, they cram you in these little teenie tiny spaces that leave no leg room.
And, if you're lucky enough to board a plane that still has first class, you get to walk past all the business elite suits sipping on their wine and champaigne and snacking on a fish dinner while you are regulated to row 24-E at the back of the plane next to a mom with two screaming babies.
If that doesn't sell you on the excitement of air travel, try holding your tongue as the person in front of you, who seems to be oblivious to the fact that we're all crammed into a flying sardine can, reclines his chair up against your knees.
Oh, and by the way, if you are one of the unlucky travelers who is running late and did not stop to grab something to eat before your 3 hour and 45 minute flight, you can forget filling up on airline peanuts and soda pop.
That's right, apparently the economy is so bad that airlines no longer offer their free bags of peanuts. Instead, flight attendents try to pawn off $6 canisters of Pringles and Oreos. I guess if I was hungry enough, I would take the bait.
I never understood why airlines served peanuts anyway. I go months at a time without eating peanuts and as soon as I step on a plane all of a sudden these crewmen think, "this guy looks like he needs some peanuts." What makes them think, 'We're in the air! Get them peanuts! Hurry!'
Luckly the flight remained relatively calm and we got to our destination at a relatively decent time (after sitting on the plane in Chicago for an hour due to mechnical problems).
It's not all bad, but it's certainly not an efficient way of traveling.

Web poll update

An update on how our readers responded to our Web poll questions.

What's the first thing you read in your newspaper?

Front Page: 50 percent

Obituaries: 20 percent

Police Briefs: 18 percent

Sports: 11 percent

(44 votes cast)

How often do you travel for vacation?

Twice a year or more: 35 percent

Once a year: 28 percent

Once every few years: 21 percent

Once every couple of years: 16 percent

(80 votes cast)

How often do you eat out a week?

Less than once a week: 36 percent

Three or more times a week: 29 percent

Twice a week: 22 percent

Once a week: 13 percent

(132 votes cast)

What's the key to getting rich?

Hard work: 37 percent

Luck: 22 percent

Ingenuity: 21 percent:

Education: 20 percent

(76 votes cast)

What's your biggest worry in the new year?

Michigan's employment outlook: 38 percent

The nation's economic turnaround: 26 percent

Funding of local schools: 22 percent

The outcome of this November's elections: 13 percent

(76 votes cast)

How should schools address budget constraints?

Reduce staff salaries: 32 percent

Pay to play: 28 percent

Offer more online classes: 22 percent

Cut extracurricular activities: 18 percent

(108 votes cast)

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