Japanese delegation visits Chelsea, Dexter
(Above) Dr. Michael D. Fetters of the Family Medicine @ Domino's Farms Japanese Family Health Program, Muramatsu Fujio, mayor of Mori Town, Shawn Keough, Dexter Village president, and Junichi Ota, mayor of Kimugawa, as well as a Japanese delegation, visited Dexter and were given a special tour of the apple cider making process at Dexter Cider Mill on Nov. 18.
(Above) Chelsea Mayor Jason Lindauer accepts a gift of pottery from Fujio Muramatsu, mayor of Mori Town, while Junichi Ota, mayor of Kikugawa, looks on. The Japanese mayors and medical dignitaries were part of a delegation that visited the Chelsea District Library and Chelsea Community Hospital on Nov. 18 to learn more about family practice medicine.
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